Executive Director's Message
I would like to extend a welcome to the AVSECO web site. The Company has been providing a first class aviation security service at Hong Kong International Airport, Chek Lap Kok, since it opened in 1998. As the airport has seen amazing growth over the years, AVSECO has gone from strength to strength and has established itself as an aviation security services provider with a worldwide reputation. We are fully committed to enhancing our services to the travelling public to ensure their security, and providing a consistently high standard of service to our customers in the airport community.
As Executive Director of the Company I recognise the critical part played by our staff who, through their continuous effort and dedication, have established AVSECO’s global reputation. It is my intention in the coming years to concentrate on developing our workforce to ensure that the Company’s staff can pursue an active and rewarding career in aviation security with opportunities provided for self-improvement and development.
The threats against civil aviation are real and ongoing. Events over recent years have shown that terrorists around the world are constantly probing and testing new methods of attack, be they against passenger aircraft, airports, cargo freighters or other commercial aviation facilities. All AVSECO staff, as aviation security specialists, form the front line of defense for civil aviation operating out of Hong Kong and I know that I can trust them to remain vigilant and to give their best.
Mr. Jacob CHEUNG
Executive Director
Aviation Security Company Limited
