AVSECO’s Visit to the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) on 18 October 2023
The Workplace Health and Well-being Work Group organized a visit to the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) on 18 October 2023. The delegation mainly consisting Assistant Managers and Management Trainees visited the Meteorological Garden, History Room, TV Studio and Central Forecasting Office in the HKO Headquarters. Apart from introducing on-site facilities and general responsibilities of the HKO, the representatives also shared the aviation weather services provided by the HKO to the delegation which included the communication system for inclement weather and MyFlightWx, an electronic flight bag mobile app jointly developed by the HKO and Cathay Pacific Airways for enhancing safety and efficiency of aviation transport by providing the latest weather conditions to the flight crew. The visit enhanced participants’ understanding towards the services and technology application among the HKO.